Purchasing and storing Garden Hand Tools.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to spend hundreds of pounds on Hand tools in order to have good quality tools that last the test of time. It is however important that you select the exact Hand tool for the job you are attempting and do not try to improvise with other tools. Good quality hand tools can be purchased at a reasonable price and if they are good quality, they will last a  long time. One of the main reasons homeowners spend a lot of money on replacement hand tools is not taking proper care of them during the months when they are not used. Hand tools will be damaged by weather, pollution, wet and damp and if they are stored poorly over the winter period, when we come to use them again, they are likely to be damaged.

Hedge trimmers and pruners are ideal examples of tools that will not last long if they are left outside in wet conditions and you may find when you come to use them again, the blades are blunt and ineffective. There is such a wide selection of Gardening hand tools on the market and each does its own specific job, first establish the job you are carrying out and the tool you need to purchase.  It isn’t always necessary to opt for the most expensive Hand tool on the market but don’t be tempted to opt for the cheapest either, always use your judgment and choose wisely and get a feel for the hand tools before you purchase.

It is always wise to purchase tough, well made hand tools to ensure they last, hand tools will take quite a bashing over the years and you need to purchase tools which have good, sturdy handles and thick metal blades.  Tools have a tendency to weaken over time and it is important that your hand tools have a good blade handle connection. A gardener’s collection should always include a trowel, spade, fork, rake and a selection of smaller forks for awkward weeding around rock beds and smaller spaces.  A hoe is also a good idea to help with awkward weeding between plants. Always purchase a material holder for the very small hand tools as this will help keep them dry and keep your hand tools in good condition. Purchasing brightly coloured tools is also a good idea because they are easier to find when left in gardens or outdoors.

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