Wholesale Tool Offers New Convenient Way to Deal with Flooding

The seasonal spring problem of water flooding is rampant right now and Wholesale Tool is offering the answer: The Little Giant 5-MSP Water Wizard is one of the most convenient ways to deal with such a common problem. Boasting a small compact size, an 11.4 PSI pressure, and Max 1,200 GPH@1ft Flow Capacity, the Water Wizard can deal with a large variety of flood situations.

Before you call a plumber, consider using the Water Wizard because it is a lot less expensive at $102.00 and is almost guaranteed to fix your problem. It can be used with any normal garden hose or a 1-inch pipe, so there’s no barrier to entry as far as getting extra supplies, and it will remove water all the way down to 1/8 of an inch.

The Water Wizard is also good to use for a long time. It comes with a lifetime supply of lubricant inside so you can use it next spring and the next after that. Taking this into account, the potential savings go up and up. So before you go racking up expenditures that you don’t need to, think about using the Little Giant 5-MSP Water Wizard to clean up your spring flooding problems.

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