is pleased to announce the launch of its extensive range of training materials covering sales:
-The consultative sales skills
-Selling insight skills
-Management skills has
-Sales force management skills
All materials are downloadable, customizable and printable. Buy once and use them as many times as you want.
CEO of Buyandtrain, said Jeremy Francis - "we meet quite well all the needs of instructors of sales for contemporary, up to the date of sale materials training, including whole courses, diagnostic tools, process e-book guides, checklists and models. Literally, we are now a one-stop shop for sales training resources. Use this link to browse our products".
The downloadable, reproducible, and customizable resources and materials on this site have been created by best-in-class designers and published by Jeremy Francis Consultor of human resource development with more than thirty years of experience in providing advice and customize programs training to organizations of blue chip, many of them global and most of the names.
All products on this site have been rated as excellent by these cutting-edge organizations that have in common the adoption of best practices in human resources development.
For more information ( Jeremy at or + 44 1634 787454 or skype: buyandtrain