DSI provides bar code systems to the construction industry, including a tool management system (http://www.a-barcode.com/software/equipment-tool-tracking), a maintenance scheduler, inventory control (http://www.a-barcode.com/software/inventory-management), wireless time and attendance and job costing. Bar code data collection has been proven to be the most accurate and efficient method of tracking or counting tools and equipment. See more http://www.a-barcode.com/case-studies/#construction
Release of Remote Site Tool Kit:
DSI has announced the launch of “Remote Job Site Tool Kit”, targeted for contractors who want to track who has their tools at each job site. “I’m impressed with the simplicity and adaptability of your tool management system. It’s affordable for all contractors, even those with just a few employees,” stated Bill Allen, Process Consultant to the construction industry.
Cost Justification:
If it requires one minute checking a tool out or in, and if your staff spends even 20 minutes a day searching for tools, the overhead savings is dramatic. “Loss and theft of tools is a major overhead cost (estimated at over $1 billion a year) for the construction and manufacturing industry. Our customers see a typical payback for the Tool Manager within 3-4 months,” states Alison Falco, President of Dynamic Systems.
Contact: Rob Freeman