Plastic tools to replace those made of acero-nueva invention reveals how

By Louis F. Mlecka and his son Felipe, the 14 June, developed a multipurpose basic tool of tough durable plastic that will be sold for a fraction of what it cost the individual tools now...  The basic tool by itself can be used to dig holes for posts, plants and small trees, plus plug grass and install stations of termites. It also spreads to reveal a wire heavy gauge that can be used for role of jab and pick up other waste such as aluminum cans and other discarded objects.

As an option, it is designed for the fixation of plastic tools such as shovels, rakes, shovels, brooms of all kinds, holders of the MOP, Sierra and many more.  Also in development are cut and trim tree branches and extensions to remove snow without damaging the tiles from house roofs a history.

A working copy of the prototype is available.

Mlecka said: what we need now is for an investor to help us to obtain a patent and lead the way to the mass-produced for global sales.

There is nothing as the obtaining of a patent should be no problem.

Those interested can learn more by calling 352-796-2089 or email at

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