The Tools & Techniques of Estate Planning, 16th Edition

The completely updated Tools & Techniques of Estate Planning, 16th edition, applies the trusted Tools & Techniques approach to this complex area, enabling you to:
- Help your clients effectively preserve their assets under current law
- Handle the widest variety of estates
- Save significant amounts of time with exclusive estate planning tools

The 16th edition is completely updated to conform with the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 and delivers enhancements covering:
- Wills
- Selection of Executors, Trustee, and Attorneys
- Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Taxes
- Income Taxation
- Marital Deduction and Bypass Trusts
- Family Limited Partnerships
- And much more!

Award-winning author and creator of the Tools & Techniques series, Stephan R. Leimberg and his co-authors have also added:
- New time-saving forms for estate planning
- New guidance on handling intra-family loans
- New chapter on Digital Estate Planning issues
All relevant legislative changes are applied throughout.

Price: $155.00

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